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Severe Weather Procedures/School Closure

Many schools face difficulties in maintaining a normal service during extreme weather conditions, such as a heavy snowfall or icy roads and footpaths. Local and national guidance to Headteachers, however, is that they should remain open wherever possible, to minimise the disruption to children’s education and inconvenience to parents and carers.

Headteachers are required to weigh up the risks of reduced supervision, late journeys home and minor bumps, against the disruption to pupils’ learning caused by a closure. Nevertheless, the Headteacher and Chair of Governors have complete discretion to close the school in anticipated adverse conditions that would put children at risk.

Where possible the school will contact parents to let them know of such a decision and every care will be taken to ensure that pupils are not sent out in dangerous conditions.

In severe weather conditions/or if there is a need to close the building, the parent body will receive an alert by:

  • Receiving an email and/or text message from ’HJPS’;
  •  When our school sends a text to Hertfordshire County Council, an email is automatically sent to our nominated radio station(s). Radio stations will then choose whether to announce the school closures, put them on their website or refer listeners to
  • A message appearing on the school website.
Mrs Rita Alak-Levi